Health Management


Health protection and health

Company health management is based two levels in the company: on the individual behavior of employees and management forces and the conditions in the company - Work organization, workplace design, Work processes. Health protection and health health promotion flows in a systematic management together. Occupational health and safety is a legal one Obligation. Occupational health and safety measures should ensure operational safety: through the use of safe machinery and equipment that Designing safe and ergonomic work places, through healthy work nization or by providing suitable Protective clothing.

Company health promotion goes over Health protection and relies on additional behavior-oriented measures to Improve health situation. Funded for example, the health compe employees, physical and psychological well-being. Combine occupational health management detects the goals and measures of occupational safety and workplace health promotion a holistic management system. The levels of intervention in occupational health policy Company health policy Specification of the direction operating health Management operational Health promotion Operational work and health permanent integration into operational Processes and structures individual behavioral measures eg health day, back school, Health Courses Risk assessment, vaccinations, Protective equipment, ergonomics Page 99 How are the workstations equipped? there are enough height-adjustable beds everywhere Small tools and are they also used? Are the duty rosters optimally designed? Knowledge all employees, how to work back-friendly, and apply these techniques consistently quent on? Here too one comes to the conclusion that to offer school courses for employees. parHowever, a new roster will be entered leads, the work tips equalized and stress-free Handover guaranteed. Slide boards and Slip mats are purchased, the employees are trained.

Annoying cable clutter eliminated. The topic of work shoes comes up the agenda and all employees optimal shoes provided. To half a year the effect of the interlocking comprehensive measures checked: The employees others suffer less from back problems than before - and are sick less often. Systematic prevention of Back diseases in the crane kenhaus: How efficient a systematic health ma na ge ment can work, shows the example of two cranes tals.

The different experiences in two clinics show that the complex health-threatening working conditions only a sensible combination of measures health promotion and Occupational health and safety and efficient Can ensure health protection. In the intensive care unit in hospital A comes for some time now it has been failure of nursing staff. Sisters and Nurses complain of back problems. The Nursing services then report their employees employees to the back school whose courses are also well received. However, the sick leave is six months later unchanged high. In hospital B, too, fall due to illness Caregivers. Here too, many of them complain Employees about back problems.

The introduction of operational health management 

The introduction of health management does not necessarily have to be from the management or pushed to top management become. In many cases they are medium-sized executives, operational experts or even Representation of company interests, which have toast.

Step 1: take the initiative However, the decision of the top management. Just as essential is the participation of operational interests representation so that they can apply their expertise in bring in the process and make necessary changes can contribute constructively. When introducing it is recommended to follow project management methodology hen and then the developed system into the line to convict. A project is called a new one, temporally temporary, one-off and generally complete xes project, the several corporate divisions che concerns. It has clearly defined goals and requires systematic and verifiable Action. Called project management the now standardized methods and procedures for planning, control and account role of projects. In addition to the methodological a project manager should also be strong have social skills.

Step 2: existing structures and use processes Health management extends to various operational fields of action and can already existing structures, processes and use bodies such as the management system teme, the occupational safety committee, health safety and quality circles. Health management can do well on the Build methodology of quality management. It is controlled with the PDCA control loop: Plan - plan, do - execute, check - control act, act. Likewise, those within the operational Health management goals developed and measures in the management review, the regular report on the status of the management, picked up, checked and be evaluated. The same applies to the personal personnel management: existing personnel nal development concepts or operational Training and further education programs can set points for health management included, for example if further training in Health, stress management, burn out prevention are offered.

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